This is a gazetteer of the Volga German colonies (Mother and Daughter) as well as other geographical locations significant to the history of the Volga Germans.
Over the centuries, the German colonies along the Volga River have been known by a variety of names in both Russian and German. Not only did colonies often have both a German and a Russian name, but there are various forms of translations and transliterations that can be used among Russian, German, and English. Once the colonists arrived in North or South America, another set of spellings often came into use. This gazetteer was assembled to aid in identifying a colony by the variety of names by which it was known and to identify the standardized names used throughout this website.
The main entries are listed in bold face type. In alphabetizing the entries of this gazetteer, the German umlaut has been ignored.
Saburovka see Strassenfeld
Sadovoye see Anton
Sadovoye see Anton
Saratof see Saratov
Saratoff see Saratov
Saratow see Saratov
Saumarye see Bangert
Saumorje see Bangert
Schaefer see Schäfer
Schilling see Konstantinovka
Schoenchen see Schönchen
Schönchen (after 1941 see Schönchen
Schönfeldt see Schönfeld
Schönthal see Schöntal
Schtscherbakowka see Shcherbakovka
Schuch see Schuck
Schuchow see Schuck
Schuchowaki see Schuck
Schultz see Schulz
Schwabskij see Schwab
Schwales Khutor see Josefstal
Schwedt see Schwed
Sebastianovka see Anton
Sebastinovka see Anton
Sebastjanowka see Anton
Sebastyanovka see Anton
Seewald see Sewald
Selyanka see Frankreich
Semenowka see Semenovka
Semjanowka see Semenovka
Serpogorskoe see Sichelberg
Settlement No. 11 see Alexandertal
Settlement No. 3 see Josefstal
Sevastinovka see Anton
Sevastjanovka see Anton
Sevastyanovka see Anton
Sewastjanowka see Anton
Shamilovka see Schöndorf
Shcherbatovka see Shcherbakovka
Shivskaya see Fresental
Shutka see Neu-Norka
Shutnikovsky Khutor see Neu-Norka
Skatovka see Straub
Skatovka see Eckheim
Skatowka see Eckheim
Skatowka see Straub
Skripalovo see Josefstal
Sobachii Kolonok see Gnadentau
Soljanka see Neu-Bauer
Solothurn see Wittmann
Solotoje see Wittmann
Solyanka see Neu-Bauer
Sorkino see Zürich
Sosnovka see Schilling
Sosnovka see Susannental
Sosnowka see Schilling
Sovetskoe see Mariental
Sovetskoye see Mariental
Sovietskoye see Mariental
Spatzenchutor see Marienfeld
Splavnucha see Huck
Splavnukha see Huck
Sredni Kolonok see Pobochnaya
Stahl see Stahl am Karaman
Staraya Norka see Norka
Staraya Sarepta see Sarepta
Starica see Reinwald
Staritsa see Reinwald
Staritskoe see Reinwald
Staritskoye see Reinwald
Stariza see Reinwald
Staro-Lippert see Blumenfeld
Stefan see Stephan
Stepanovka see Gattung
Stepnaja see Stahl am Tarlyk
Stepnaya see Stahl am Tarlyk
Stepnoe see Stahl am Tarlyk
Stepnoe see Chasselois
Stepnoje see Stahl am Tarlyk
Stepnoye see Stahl am Tarlyk
Strassburg am Torgun see Strassburg
Stricker see Shcherbakovka
Suetinovka see Morgentau
Sujetino see Morgentau
Susannenthal see Susannental
Susly see Herzog
Sussly see Herzog
Suyetino see Morgentau
Sverdlovo see Neu-Walter
Svinosov see Huckertal
Svonarevka see Stahl am Karaman
Swonarewka see Stahl am Karaman