Russia: Territorial Expansion, 1725-1795. Source: unknown.Growth of Russia in Europe, 1300-1796. Source: unknown.Russia in Europe in the 19th Century. Source: unknown.Map of German settlements in Russia by Karl Stumpp.Map showing the movements of Pugachev (1773-1775). Source: unknown.German migration to Russia in the 18th and 19th Century. Source: unknown.Nine churches are identified on a double-page map titled "Monument Map" which was taken from "Treasures of the Russian land; Quarterly Journal of the All-Russian Society for the Preservation of Cultural and Historical Treasures", Artist: G I Metchenko Nr 40- (3-4/1998) [in Russian language only, out of print]. Green tents represent palaces, grand manors, estate parklands. Pale churches with round roofs represent Russian village churches. Brown churches with steeples represent German churches (Lutheran, Catholic, Reformed). Other symbols shown include: Six-pointed stars representing archaeological sites (these are not Jewish sites), three pebble stones representing burial mounds, open boxes representing burial sites (tombs), squares representing ancient town sites, wheels representing ancient settlement sites. Map contributed by Vera Beljakova-Miller.German settlements in the USSR after 1941. Source: unknown.Ethnic Make-up of the USSR (1974). Source: unknown.