Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Emaús de Rivera



Tucumán 50
Buenos Aires Province


In 1913, Pastor Conrad Schröder of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod first came to Rivera to attend to the spiritual needs of the German Lutherans who were living there.  He baptized 23 children on his first visit.  A congregation was organized with the name Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Emaús de Rivera (Emaus Lutheran Church of Rivera).

The first resident pastor, Enrique Jauck, arrived in 1921.  In 1924 fundraising for construction of a church building was begun, and the new facility was dedicated on 19 February 1928.  A German school was begun in 1930.  In 1935, The Rev. R. Schmidt arrived from the United States to serve the congregation.


The Iglesia Luterana Emaús has been served by the following pastors:

Conrad (Conrado) Schröder (1913-)
Heinrich (Enrique) Jauck (1921-)
R. Schmidt (1935-)


Centenario de Rivera y sus Colonias. Website no longer online. 

dsrmedios (22 March 2012). Website no longer online. 

dsrmedios (9 November 2012) Website no longer online.