Rosental was a Lutheran colony.
Rosental was founded in 1847 by colonists from Kaneau on the right bank of the Jeruslan (Yeruslan) River. They were joined by colonists resettling from Beauregard, Katharinenstadt, Orlovskaya, and Paulskaya between 1848 and 1850. Additional colonists from Ernestinendorf, Katharinenstadt, Paulskaya, and Philippsfeld had arrived by the time of the 1857 Census. Since 1905 the Rosental congregation belonged to the Hoffental parish.
In 1921, 117 people were born and 161 died (likely due to the severe famine at this time).
Diesendorf, V.F. Die Deutschen Russlands : Siedlungen und Siedlungsgebiete : Lexicon. Moscow, 2006.
Koch, Fred C. The Volga Germans: In Russia and the Americas, from 1763 to the Present (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1977): 313.
"Settlements in the 1897 Census." Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (Winter, 1990): 17.
Tim Weeder.
Rosental ( in Russian
Rosental Cemetery (Google Maps)