31 August 1922

Die Welt-Post, Thursday, 31 August 1922

Page 2, "Russia - Letters"

Wiesenmüller, 1 June 1922 
To: Mr. Friedrich Zimmermann, Lincoln, Nebraska

My esteemed Mr. Zimmermann: 
    I have thankfully received your letter of 26 April and I hasten to answer the same. 
    In the first days of the month of May three children of your brother Johannes came here after dark. They were almost naked and they stood in front of your old house and were crying. The man who now lives there came out at their knock and took them in and calmed them through their tears. 
    The youngster of 14, Johannes by name, was here with me today. I showed him your letter and he related to me the following: 
    Shortly after we left on our journey (from Wiesenmüller to Armawir, Caucasus Region) my brother Alexander took sick and thanks to the difficult journey and bad food he died before we reached our goal. His death was bitter for my mother and affected her to such an extent that the day after our arrival in Armawir she fell ill and early on Christmas day she fell into the cold arms of death. 
    It was certainly the saddest Christmas celebration we have lived through. 
    In January our eldest sister Lydia fell ill and she died and left us on February 24. 
    Now we remain, I, Johannes 14, Paulina 17 and Maria 12 years of age, without relatives here (orphans). 
    There we were in a strange place where we had no desire to remain so we went in search of our old home in the Volga Region. (A stretch of about 800 American miles--Die Welt-Post Editor.)
    But how to begin? We had absolutely nothing left. There was no work there for us and there was a very large crowd of emigrants. The Administration of the Poor Committee took pity on us and took 2 of the youngest from us to the Poor Kitchen, while they gave Pauline something at which she could earn (money). 
    At Easter they gave us free tickets to travel back home. Although for us this was happy news, we were overcome by fear and terror when we thought about it. We also had nothing there that we could call ours. Never-the-less we went forward to our native soil and here we are at the beginning of May, as mentioned above. 
    Presently the children live with the widow Müller at the poor kitchen. 
    Johannes and Maria are fed in the kitchen of the American Relief Administration. 
    Paulina is working. 
    The children were very happy to hear that their dear uncle Friedrich Zimmermann in America was thinking of them and wait with great anticipation for help from him. 
    They bade me write to you that they are very much in need of clothing and that you Mr. Zimmerman, if possible, could provide some before the onset of winter. Perhaps you could also on that account deposit a dollar with the illustrious A.R.A in New York which has a camp her in Saratov where we can take out the clothing. (Welt-Post Ed. - There's a problem here. Historically, until now, the A.R.A hasn't handled clothing in this manner.) 
    Should this not be possible because it is already getting late, you should put the things in the mail through the German Volga Society in Berlin to Pastor E. Seib in Saratov to be given over to the children; that way everything will be received safely. 
    The children send their heartfelt greetings. 
                With best regards, Alexander Döll, Schoolmaster

(Die Welt-Post Editorial Note: Mr. Zimmerman sent the children $20 worth of Food-Drafts and besides that he sent $20 cash through Mr. J. Peter, 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Nebr., to hand on. Mr. Peter was recently in Germany making arrangements by which he can convey money to Russia.)


Page 2, "The Latest Letters from the Volga Colonies"

Lauwe, 28 June 1922 
Volga Relief Society, Portland, Oregon:

Herewith, in the name of the community of Lauwe, we report to our brothers and sisters in America that we once again have received a distribution of food from America. 
     Large and terrible was the famine here with us. It demanded many victims until it reached its peak. So many pale and listless specters of the starving were marked by the look of death in their eyes until today. 
     Thus...it was fulfilled, that which a Christian poet said: "If the hours can be found, help will come and with power pound." 
     The long awaited assistance came from a far country where warm and compassionate hearts were beating. How moving it is to know that there are still loving hearts that not only raised their hands to assist in that far, far country, but also raised them imploringly to heaven, standing up for their brothers and sisters. 
     We deeply thank all of the friendly donors for the gifts of love which they have sent from far lands and which thereby provided much assistance to easing the great emergency. 
     May the Almighty, who rewards good deeds, give His blessings on all the donors involved in His work. May He richly reward you for what you have done for us. 
               Greetings and deepest thanks, The Church Executive Committee of Lauwe.


Kamyshin, 8 June 1922 
To the Representatives of the Volga Relief Organization from America;

Mr. Repp
     The Church Council of the Evangelical Lutheran community of Kamyshin send to you herewith receipt for the products you allotted for the Evangelical Lutheran brothers in faith in and around Kamyshin and an accounting of the utilization of the remainder. 
     In the name of our community members the Church Council bespeaks its best thanks and says to all the donors on the other side of the ocean a heartfelt "God Rewards!" 
     Comforted by the compassion of our brothers in faith in America, we have once again a proof of the truth of the words of Paul: 1st Corinthians, chapter 13, verse 8: "Love never ends." 
     The Savior will consider all of these gifts of love: "What you have done unto these, the least of my brethren, so have you done also unto me." 
     The Church Council hopes that you will further assist us, if possible, until the new harvest. 
               President of the Council: A. Hiffel, 
               Members: Alex Wald, Jakob Boehme, J. Legler, G. Hermann, 
               G. Heimnitz, Jacob Kaehm, Jacob Besel


[Laub,] 27 May 1922 
To: Volga Relief Society, Portland, Oregon

     Today our hearts and minds are filled with joy forever because God has shone his love unto us. Firstly, so beautifully upon our fields and gardens and most of all, beloved, by your loving gifts of food, 1,600 and some pud, which we were able to distribute today. 
     O, my beloved brethren, it was a great joy because thus were thousands saved from starvation and death. You can imagine the many tears of joy flowing from the young and the old and therefore we say to all of you our heartfelt thanks, and again our heartfelt thanks for it. 
     Our dark and black time of horrible famine which has taken and carried off so many of our brethren who are now decaying in the earth, has so far been abated and lightened through you gifts which we have already received and are yet expecting to receive. For this we heartily thank you. God will plentifully reward your love which indeed reached across sea and land and gave proof to that which is written: that not only have you shown mercy to us but also to the Lord. Because I was hungry and thirsty, sick and naked, and you fed me, gave me drink, clothed and comforted me, etc. All this God sees as if it was done to Him, etc. 
     Now, beloved, we wish you not to turn away from providing your great love and assistance because of some who are ungrateful and dissatisfied. We ask, dear brothers, that you do not tire because this will only lock us out of the world. 
     Everything one does comes back to one in blessings. Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy, and in Psalm 41 it says: The welfare of those who take up the thirsty, the Lord will secure during bad times, the Lord will keep him and preserve his life and see to his well-being here on earth. And He will not yield him unto his enemies. God will waken him from his deathbed and cure him of all his sickness, etc. 
     O, beloved, all this is promised by God and comes to a benefactor and joyous giver as his reward. 
     We again thank you in the name of all the villagers and brothers in the area who were recipients of your gifts of love. 
     God will repay you all. 
                    The Church Council of Laub: Heinrich Seiler, Andreas Laub, 
                    J. Andreas Herman, Schoolmaster Wegele, Jakob Kruse


Page 2, "From Brunnental, Russia"

Brunnental, 21 June 1922

Dear friend Heinrich: 
     I must confess that through my negligence in writing when there was no emergency, I have done myself great harm. Now that the emergency is at its height I write letters to America and up to now I have still received no assistance from there. I am in need of it because I just returned the other day from the Kuban region and as it stands I have no seed for sowing and no vegetable garden. I am again employed as a teacher here but a teacher's pay does not provide enough to supply the needs of one person since prices are so high. 
     Why do I write to you now old friend? Not to ask you personally for assistance, but I hoped that perhaps you could reach out to some American benefactors for me with a small request or to my well-to-do friends whose addresses are unknown to me. 
     Many who had little need received doubled assistance but that was not the case with me because I arrived too late in Brunnental to receive any of the 1,800 pud of different foodstuffs. This past autumn I was in charge of 200 starving children in the Kuban region and only returned here a few days ago. 
     Bruno and Alice are in school at Seelmann (in the Seminary), they receive food there, only they are weak so that one must send them something again and again. 
     What is the outlook here in Russia? You should be here yourself to see. Very sad! If I say to you the fact that in the village a spoon costs 200,000 rubles you will yet have no accurate conception of our poverty because it is only a measure of the price increases. 
     In the winter one could obtain the most beautiful farmstead for a pud of wholemeal flour. Do you remember Schäffer's (Karl) home? It was recently remodeled and built even better. It was traded for a few pud of rye. That will probably be the most expensive home in the village. 
     The outlook for the harvest was good til now but the rain is already again very scarce. The wheat crop has failed, the rye is heading weakly. In the gardens everything looks withered. We are yet hoping for rain. I can't say much about the famine in the past winter since I was absent. 
     Your father has finished with the burdens of this life. I often had to comfort him in his yearning after his dear children in America. I gladly wrote letters for him and sometimes visited him, but diring his last distress I could not comfort him since I was absent. Thank God that he is resting in peace, because who knows what we must yet endure. 
     Your father-in-law, my cousin David, died in April of typhoid fever. He was also one of my best friends in the last years. Joseph Spieker, who had married cousin Hankonrad's Kath., also died of the same illness. 
     Teachers Emanuel and Wilhelm Löbsack likewise died in the previous year, also their mother. Teacher Klein died in the past summer from cholera. His son Johannes was executed.---How strange; as happy as I would be to speak directly to you, this letter writing makes it impossible. 
     I have experienced so much and know that we are not yet ripe for communism nor the Americans. Communism is a beautiful idea and we are still uneducated, particularly concerning its imperfections. The harvest failures and the Civil War are not the only causes of our poverty and the disorder of our economy, but above all are the shortcomings of communism. 
     Please write to me soon also about the relationship of capital to the worker. I will write more about the internal changes in Russia next time. Should I not be able to receive an American Newspaper or now and again an issue or journal from you? 
     I had received a brochure with a report from the Panama Canal years ago. My best thanks. 
     We starving Russian citizens say to the American benefactors our heartfelt thanks, without the assistance of the Americans the Volga region would have completely died out. 
     My wife and 4 children are still healthy. You, your wife and children and all acquaintances are cordially greeted. I remain your friend, 
                    Wilhelm Grünwald

(Remarks of the sender of the above letter: Pendleton, Oregon, 21 August [1922]: Esteemed Welt-Post: I have sent you a copy of a letter from teacher W. Grünwald in Brunnental. The addresses of his relatives and friends are unknown to me and I cannot provide him as much help as I would like. It is my desire that this letter be published in the Welt-Post. His situation seems particularly moving to me since he also missed the general assistance. With friendly greetings, Heinrich Beck.)


To: Mr. Repp in the A.R.A. (American Relief Administration) at Saratov:

     The famine had nearly consumed us and we cried out for help but things proceeded according to the word of God: "In a moment of anger I turned my face from you." But we called out to God and he created assistance for us that we had not thought of, so that we can now say: "Wondrous are the ways of the Lord!" 
     The entire welfare organization is a miracle of God! The A.R.A. with all its workers and benefactors stands in the service of the Lord our God. 
     Also you, Mr. Repp, are a tool of the Lord and stand before us as a merciful samaritan. 
     Therefore we declare that at this place we received from the A.R.A through you, a food shipment of 50 packages for the Rosenheim community and express to our benefactors and friends in America our most sincere and deepest thanks! 
     We close our thanks with the words: Up to now the Lord has helped. With our thanks and greetings,

Karl Fritz
Konrad Horst
Christian Arnold
Heinrich Dubs


Page 2, "From the Meadow Side of the Volga"

Kukkus, 13 July 1922 
To: Heinrich Schäffer, Lincoln, Nebraska

Dear brother Heinrich and your family: 
     The lot falls to me today to make to you and our brothers and sisters in America the sad report that our mother is no longer in the land of the living; She was blessed on earth and at the advanced age of 82 years, died on 14 June. 
     Her age weighed heavily upon her to the point that her senses were affected and she no longer recognized me. But before she passed she asked again after her children in America which is a sign that she clung to them in her heart. Dear brother, be so kind to convey this message of mourning to our sisters in California. 
     As it stands with the sowing, it is better than a year ago. 
     Until now there were 8 souls in our family. Through the loss of our dear mother we became one person less. Our youngest son Ferdinand also died otherwise we would have been 9 persons at home. 
     In one of the letters I wrote to you I made an error and addressed it to our sisters. I have written you often, however, whether you received the letters is another question. 
     Now I must state to you my most sincere thanks for the great love you have shown to me by the conveyance of food and clothing, because the 6 pud supply of food and the small package of clothing were received safely and with deep gratitude. 
     If you find it too difficult to provide further help from America then for the time being put it off. A special greeting to your 2 unmarried daughters, I thank them from the depths of my soul for their gift. 
     America was mostly forgotten here while things were going well with the people, but now they all think of their friends in America, the emergency driving them to do so.---Now that our mother is no longer here, I often feel lonely and I think every day of my dear brothers and sisters in America. 
     Do not let it annoy you if I ask again and again for help, perhaps I can yet again repay you. 
     I cannot write you as often as I would like because it costs 80,000 Rubles to post a letter. 
     One thing is certain: If my dear brothers and sisters in America had not helped, I would no longer be alive today. 
               With deeply heartfelt greetings, I remain your sister, 
                       Anna Marie Schengel


Page 2, "156 Receipts-Certifications and Testimonials"

The so called "Huck Society" of Lincoln has from 20 Dec. 1921 to 20 April of this year sent a total of $740.00 through the A. R. A. (Amercian Relief Administration) to the colony of Huck in the Volga region of Russia. With the money provisions were bought from provisioning warehouses of the A. R. A and distributed the the people of the village. We bring you the following certifications and thank you responses. Die Welt-Post Editor.

Huck, 20 June 1922.

We the undersigned, members of the church council of Huck (Splawnucha), express herewith to our American brothers our heartfelt thanks for your goodness and love, that you shown to us in our time of great need. We ask God, the master of all that is good, to richly reward all who have sacrificed and given, through which giving thousands of your brothers and innocent children were saved from awful famine and death by starvation. We cannot express our deeply felt gratitude in written words, we ask only that merciful God, who opened your hearts and moved you to undertake our needs, to bless you for all time and eternity.

Church Council: Schoolmaster J. Rusch; Phil. Kindsvater; Joh. Huss; Joh. Lickei; C. Hirt; Jacob Sittner; Jacob Neu.

--Dear brothers and sisters in America! I thank you for the wonderful gifts that we received from you through our church council, and greet you all. Amen. Oswald Schneider.

--I, Amalia Michel, thank you whole heartedly for your gift that we have received through our church council and which we were so very in need of.

--For the gift from my Huck brethren, I express herewith my heartfelt thanks. Your fellow sister, Ami Sittner. 

--Heartfelt thanks for my gift. K Kreik.

--Our Huck brethren in America, for the gift during the great famine, my most heartfelt thanks. Your brother, Jacob Eckert. 

--Elisabeth Schultheis also has heartfelt thanks. 

--My most heartfelt thanks to you my American brethren for the wonderful gift, from Widow Katharina Sack. 

--My American brothers and sisters, for the magnificent gift during the time of famine, my deepest thanks. Georg Bohl, house number 510.

--Brothers in America! My best thanks to you for your provisions of flour, rice, sugar, etc., Jacob Geier, signed from Ph. Geier. 

--Thank you! H. Lutter in Huck. 

--A beautiful Thank You for my gift. Chr. Kindsvater in Huck. 

--Best of thanks from me, Ph. M. Schäfer. 

--A Heartfelt thank you for the wonderful gift which the American Commission supplied to us. Jacob Hergenröther. 

--You Dear Gentlemen. I thank you; God will praise you. House number 185, without giving a name. 

--Your fellow sister Annmargreta Eckert heartily thanks you for your timely gift. 

--Citizen Lorenz Hergenröther in Huck sent his heartfelt thanks for their donations to his former fellow Huck acquaintances who had earlier left Huck and are now in America. By petition signed by Ph. Geier. 

--I, Alexander Geier, heartily thank you, for you have rescued my poor soul from a death by starvation. 

--Thank you for my gift. J. Hausch. 

--A thousand thanks for my gift. M. Hausch. 

--Heartfelt thanks for my wonderful gift. A. Hess. 

--Heartfelt thanks to my fellow brothers in America for your precious donations that you haved delivered to us in our time of need. Elis. Zitterkopf.

--I, your fellow countryman, Heinrich Leichner, heartily thank you for your help in the time of need. 

--A heartfelt thanks from Lorenz Bohl for the wonderful gift which I received at the church council meeting. 

--I, Magdalena Leichner, give thanks for the gift from our American brothers and sisters that I received at the Huck Church council meeting. 

--From me, Lorenz Huck, a heartfelt thanks to our American brothers for the great help we received from you at our church council. 

--Best of thanks from me, M. Sittner. 

--I say to you, a heartfelt thank you for the food. Ludwig Herdt. 

--Thank you!. Hausch. 

--Gratefully thank the American Brethren for the gift. Joh. Hempel. 

--Send grateful thanks for my gift. M. Schultheiss. 

--Best of thanks for my gift. C. Weber. 

--We, Elisabeth Koch and Katharina Neu, widows, convey greetings and heartfelt thanks for your gifts which have helped us so much. 

--I, Anna Margaretha Schlotthauer, gratefully thank you for sharing your gifts with us. 

--Also a grateful thank you from Annamargaretha Geier. 

--We, Elisabeth Bohl and Kathrinliesbeth Sack, thank your American brethren for their help. 

--Thank you for my gift. M. Sittner. 

--The best of thanks for my gift. W. Hausch. 

--Grateful thanks to the American benefactors for the donations we have received through our church council. Conrad Leichner. 

--Grateful thanks from me. A. Hein. 

--We, Elisabeth Brotzmann and Christina Neu, widows, convey to you grateful thanks and kind regards for your donations that we received through our church council. 

--I gratefully thank you for the gift. Annmaria Weber. 

-- Dear brethren! I, Margaretha Hempel, thank you for the donations that you sent to me as I am very needy in my old age. 

-- For your loving donations, I say to you many thanks; God give you many blessings! Philipp Herdt. 

-- A heartfelt thanks for the gifts from America. Widow Bohl.

-- Best of thanks from me. L. Lenneschmidt. 

-- I thank you for the gift. Jacob Gerer. 

-- Lorenz Schultheis also has a heartfelt thank you. 

--Thank you! M. Schäfer.

-- I give thanks for the gifts from America. Jacob Wilhelm. 

--Also a heartfelt thank you from Jacob Niederhaus.

-- Best of thanks for American products like flour, rice, sugar etc. Johannes Zitterkopf. 

-- Best of thanks to our American brothers for the help received through our church council. Heinrich Hempel.

-- Heartfelt thanks for my gift. J. Koch.

-- From me, Konrad Schneider, a thank you to the American brethren for the large donations that we received from our church council. 

-- I thank you, very much, for my gift. K. Schwabauer in Huck. 

-- We give thanks for that which you have done for us and are still doing. Heinrich Reiel. 

-- From me, Elisabeth (name obscured), best thanks for the gift which I received through the church council. 

-- American Commission! Take with you my heartfelt thanks as a widow, for the provisions composed of flour, rice, sugar and tea. Annmargret Hempel. 

-- Best thanks for my gift. E. Hein in Huck. 

-- I, Oswald Geier, convey to you my heartfelt thanks for the wonderful donation. 

-- I commend you and give praise and thanks to God our Father who woke our brothers in the wide world to take on the burden of our poverty; also you, dear brethren, be thanked. Adam Michel. 

-- A big thank you for the gift from me. Jacob Zitterkopf. 

-- Also take a thank you from Katrina Weigand. 

-- Thank you very much. Niederhaus. 

-- Best of thanks from J. Weigand. 

-- Best regards and heartfelt thanks for the donations that I have received from you through our church council. Magdalena Hempel. 

-- My Huck sisters and brothers in America, I herewith express to you my heartfelt thanks. Schw. Barbara Hempel, 

-- A heartfelt greeting and regards to you dear brothers and friends in Amerca for the Godly donations, which you have sent to us through our pPastor and schoolmaster and the church administrators. Joh. Schaaf. 

-- For the gifts during the great famine, I herewith express my best of thanks to the people of the Huck area who are in America. I, your fellow brother, Peter Hempel.

-- A big thanks to our American brethren for the extensive help that you have already given us and kept us from starvation. Widow Christina Zitterkopf. 

-- Heinrich Frick, Phil. Jacob and Peter Frick, best of thanks. 

-- Best thanks for my gift. L. Ritter. 

-- I, Katrina Herdt, send best of thanks for my gift. 

-- Thank You for the gift. Widow Elis. Schneider. 

-- Thanks to you from the heart for your kindness (charity) that you have shown to me through our church council. Widow Katrina Schneider. 

-- I thank you, dear brethren in America, for the gift. It has kept us from starvation. Widow Becker, house number 38. 

-- For the gift, my Huck brethren in America, I express my heartfelt thanks. Your Br. Philipp Brotzmann, Huck, the 20th of June. 

-- I, Kath. Morkel thank you for the donation that I received through the church council. 

-- I thank the American brethren for the gift. Georg Lickai. 

-- I, Adam Schneider, herwith convey to our American brothers the most ardent, loving thanks for the wonderful donation that I received through our church administrator. God will repay you! 

-- A heartfelt thank you from me, Hannetta Huck, for the gift. 

-- Thank you very much. K. Eckert. 

-- The best of thanks for my gift. A. Neu. 

-- Best of thanks for the donation. Annmargret Huck. 

-- Many thanks to the American brethren for the gift. Widow Mariekatrina Geier. 

-- Heartfelt thanks to the American brethren for your loving donation. Widow Annmaria Weber, nee Gebhardt. 

-- Grateful thanks from Magdalena Schultheis. 

-- Best of thanks from me. Georg Michel. 

-- Thank yous for my gift which gladdened me in this difficult time, Scharlotte Michel. 

-- Thanks to you dear brethren in America, for the gift. You have saved us from starvation. Widow Schlohaus. 

-- Thank you, Mr Nepp. Lorenz Sittner 

-- I, Adam. Hein, greet you and send best of thanks for the help you sent to me through our church council which has allowed us to prosper.

-- Also a heartfelt thank you from me, Elisabet Bohl. 

-- The best of thanks from me, E. Gebhardt. 

-- I thank you for the gift. Georg Hirt, house number 448 in Huck. 

-- From me, Philipp Frick, a thank you and words of acknowledgment for your great help that you have sent over the great ocean to us. 

-- Thanks be to you and your American countrymen for the gift which you have shared with us through our church council. Widow Maria Geier. 

-- The best of thanks from me, M. Koch. 

-- Also I, W. Koch, heartily thank you.

-- A thousand times thank you to our American brothers for their loving gifts they sent to us which have released us from our time of bitter need. Philipp Hein. 

--I certify, with my thanks, that American gifts of provisions were received through our church council. Conrad Schaefer. 

-- Thank you. Kath. Bohl, house number 205.

-- We thank our people in America, because they have sent us so many gifts. Kath. Hempel. 

-- For flour, rice, sugar, milk and everything that we received from America, we heartily thank you. Annmaria Zitterkopf. 

-- For the gift that the American Commission has forwarded, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Widow Anna Maria Koch. 

-- Today, the 20th of June, I send over to the Huck Commission in America, loving thanks for their help that was forwarded to us in our great need. 

-- Heartfelt thanks. Widow Hempel. 

-- I, Georg Weber, offer heartfelt thanks for the help from America. 

-- Heartfelt thanks for my gift. E. Neu. 

-- Take a thousand thanks for your life preservers in America, from me, K. Kindsvater. 

-- Thanks and our respects to you for the gift which our church council conveyed to me, Maria Elisabeth Brotzmann.

-- Best of thanks to our sharing American countrymen for your love and charity. Johann Adam Leichner in Huck. 

-- I have heartfelt thanks and love for your gifts from Johannes Hergenroether. 

-- My thanks and appreciation for the wonderful gift, from Konrad Bohl. 

-- The best of thanks for the special gift and the help you, the American people, have afforded us already for an entire year. Jacob Koch, number 492. 

-- You, brothers in the wide world, hear my thanks because you in our time of need undertook the burden of our lives. 

-- Thank you for my gift. A. Eckert. 

-- Please, send off this thank you note to the Huck Commission in America. Take there the heartfelt thanks for the provisions that they sent to us. Philipp Geier. 

-- The best of thanks from me, M. Leichner. 

-- Thank you for the love from Jacob Niederhaus. 

-- For flour and sugar, milk and rice, to you the best of thanks and reward. Widow Elisabet Michel. 

-- Georg Philipp Michel sends many thanks for the gift. 

-- From me, Maria Elisab. Kreick, my heartfelt thanks for the provisions from America. 

-- Heartfelt thanks to the American Commission for the provisions. Georg Neu. 

-- I thank you for the gift. Johannes Brotzmann. 

-- Heartfelt thanks from Elisab. Hempel. 

-- For the American gift that our church council has conveyed to me, a heartfelt thanks. W. Euler. 

--We thank our brethren in America for the gifts. Elisab. Zitterkopf. 

-- We thank you for everything you have already done and what you are still doing. Michael Bohl. 

-- Best of thanks for for my gift. A. Geier. 

-- A big thank you for my gift. Chr. Brotzmann. 

-- I thank you for the gift. Annmargret Staerkel. 

-- I, A. Hein express herewith my heartfelt thanks for the help from America. 

-- I, Widow Annmaria Euler from Huck right heartily give thanks for the gifts from America.

-- Today, the 20th of June, I have the opportunity to state my thanks to our countrymen in America for the many provisions they have sent us through which we were kept from starving to death. Widow Elisabet Schaefer. 

-- American Help Commission: Receive my heartfelt thanks for your gift of love.. Widow Kathrina Sack. 

-- Thank you, Frick. 

-- Heartfelt thanks to the American Commission for this gift of flour, rice, sugar, milk etc. Oswald Hempel. 

-- From our brethren in America we have received various products to prolong our lives, for this we are heartily thankful. Widow Scharlotte Kreick.

--Lorenz Leichner herewith sends out his warmest thanks to the American clergy for receiving provisions through the Huck clergy. 

-- I, Georg Lickai, thank you for the donation that I received from you, my American friends. 

-- Heartfelt thanks to the American brethren for the donation of these gentlemen that they have sent to us in need. Annamaria Bohl.

--For the gift from my former villagers who are now living in America, I herewith express to them my best thanks. Katharina Sittner, your fellow sister. 

-- I, Katharina Schuckmann, thank you for the gift of God which I have received from the local church elders; yes, I repeat my thanks another thousand times. 

-- I say to you the best of thanks. J. Huck. 

-- For the help which received through our church council from America, you are are heartily thanked from Georg Philipp Michael. 

-- Herewith I bring my fellow brothers and sisters in America my heartfelt thanks for the help through the time of distress and need. Hirt. 

-- How can I thank our people in America enough for their lifesaving help during the hours of despair and need? Katharina Zitterkopf. 

-- Thank you from me. A. Sittner. 

-- I send you my most heartfelt thanks and appreciation for your gift. Philipp Huck.

-- My warmest thanks for the gift I received from America. P. Völker.

-- Heartfelt thanks the timely donation of provisions which the American Commission has so kindly distributed. Philipp Herdt.


This translation provided courtesy of Hugh Lichtenwald.